Paul Kingsnorth
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Paul Kingsnorth

Author, Poet and Environmentalist, United Kingdom

Paul Kingsnorth

Paul Kingsnorth is a prominent British writer and environmental activist whose work delves deep into the complex relationship between humanity and the natural world. He first gained recognition as a co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project, a global collective of thinkers, writers, and artists committed to reevaluating our place in a rapidly changing world. Through […]

We are the first generations to grow up surrounded by evidence that our attempt to separate ourselves from ‘nature’ has been a grim failure, proof not of our genius but our hubris.

I wonder if every animal is a spirit... What if they are all spirits sent to you and how you treat them is what you are.

I can't speak the language of science without a corresponding poetry.

A case could be made, in fact, that the English were the first victims of the British empire: without their conquest, that empire could not have been built.

What was it for? What was the point? We look at the changing climate and the fallen trees and the plastic in the oceans and the anomie of our phone-drugged children and something tells us we are disconnected but we don't know what to do with this feeling.

I feel that words are savage gods and that in the end, however well you serve them, they will eat you alive.