In the bustling world of modern food production, where efficiency often trumps tradition, there’s a quiet revolution brewing—one that harks back to ancient methods of oil extraction known as wood pressed oil (Khachi Ghani). In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in this traditional technique, where it has been practiced for generations. As consumers become more conscious of the quality and origins of their food, wood pressed oil is gaining recognition for its numerous advantages over industrial refined cooking oil.

Preservation of Nutrients: One of the most significant advantages of wood pressed oil is its ability to preserve the natural nutrients present in oilseeds. Unlike industrial refining processes that involve high heat and chemical solvents, wood pressed oil extraction relies solely on mechanical pressure. This gentle extraction method helps retain the essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants naturally found in the oilseeds, ensuring that the resulting oil is not stripped of its nutritional value.
Kachi Ghani Oil
Cold-Pressed Purity: Wood pressed oil is often referred to as cold-pressed oil, a term that signifies the absence of heat in the extraction process. Heat can degrade the quality of oils and alter their flavor profile. By avoiding high temperatures, wood pressed oil maintains its purity and delicate flavors, making it a preferred choice for culinary enthusiasts who appreciate the subtleties of different oils in their dishes.

Rich Flavor Profile: One of the most striking characteristics of wood pressed oil is its rich and distinct flavor. Since the extraction process does not involve refining or bleaching, the oil retains the authentic taste of the oilseeds from which it is derived. Whether it’s the nutty aroma of sesame seeds or the pungent tang of mustard seeds, wood pressed oil captures the essence of the raw ingredients, enhancing the taste of dishes with its natural flavor profile.

No Chemical Additives: Industrial refining processes often involve the use of chemical solvents such as hexane to extract oil from seeds. These solvents can leave behind residues in the final product, raising concerns about food safety and potential health risks. In contrast, wood pressed oil is free from chemical additives, offering consumers a safer and more natural alternative for cooking and culinary applications.

Cultural Heritage: Wood pressed oil carries with it a sense of cultural heritage and tradition. For centuries, communities across India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have relied on this age-old method of oil extraction to sustain their culinary traditions and nourish their bodies. By choosing wood pressed oil, consumers not only embrace a healthier cooking alternative but also pay homage to the wisdom and ingenuity of generations past.

In a world inundated with processed foods and mass-produced ingredients, the resurgence of wood pressed oil represents a return to simplicity, authenticity, and purity in our culinary choices. As more people rediscover the virtues of this traditional oil extraction method, it’s not just about cooking—it’s about preserving a legacy, one drop of oil at a time.