Deschooling Society

“Deschooling Society” by Ivan Illich, published in 1971, offers a thought-provoking critique of the traditional education system. Illich challenges the prevailing notions of formal schooling, arguing that it often inhibits genuine learning and creativity. He proposes a radical shift in our approach to education, advocating for a more self-directed and community-based model. In his vision, individuals would have greater control over their learning, and the education system would serve as a resource rather than a rigid institution. Illich’s work continues to influence discussions on educational reform, alternative learning approaches, and the role of technology in education.

Illich’s call for “deschooling” extends beyond the realm of education. He sees it as a means to foster broader social change by empowering individuals and communities. By questioning the value of credentials and diplomas, he highlights the potential of decentralized, peer-to-peer learning networks. While some of his ideas may be considered radical, “Deschooling Society” remains a seminal work that encourages us to critically examine our assumptions about education, technology, and the nature of knowledge in a rapidly changing world.

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