Biodiversity, a contraction of ‘biological diversity,’ refers to the variety of life on Earth across all levels of biological organization, from genes to species to...
Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008) was a Japanese farmer and philosopher celebrated for his natural farming and re-vegetation of desertified lands. He was a proponent of a...
Varthur Narayana Reddy, a highly influential figure in Indian organic farming, suggested several practices for improving soil fertility, especially in the context of smaller farms....
In her enlightening video presentation, health educator Barbara O’Neill delves into the complex issue of diabetes, offering a comprehensive guide to understanding, managing, and potentially...
Masanobu Fukuoka (1913–2008) was a Japanese farmer and philosopher celebrated for his natural farming and re-vegetation of desertified lands. He was a proponent of a...
In a world where the global economy is increasingly dominated by a handful of multinational corporations, the call for decolonization has never been more urgent....
In the world of sustainable farming, innovation often takes surprising forms. One such example can be found in the vineyards of South Africa, where an...
The Amazon rainforest, the world’s most expansive rainforest, spans an area of 6.9 million square kilometres (2.72 million square miles), accounting for approximately 40% of...
In a enlightening discussion on the Dartington Hall Trust Youtube channel, renowned psychiatrist and author Dr. Iain McGilchrist and Satish Kumar, a former monk and...
In a riveting presentation at Harvard Law School, Allan Savory, a renowned ecologist, and visionary, shared his insights on the power of properly managing livestock...
Cover crops are an essential tool in sustainable agriculture, offering a multitude of benefits for soil health. In a comprehensive video presentation, Rob Myers, a...